After you get a DUI you will have your first court appearance and this is called your arraignment. It usually happens a couple of days after the arrest. The purpose of this is to inform the accused of the charges and the right for the accused to have a lawyer, also at this time the accused can enter a guilty or a not guilty.
We suggest you get a lawyer before this time. Putting in a plea of guilty or not guilty can have complications later on down the road.
After that if you refused to submit to a chemical or breath test you will have a suspension hearing. If you are found guilty then you will loose you license. That is another reason why you need our firm on your side fighting and defending you driving privileges.
From there you will move to a trial date. This may seem like there is a lot of time before the court date but it is not. All of that time is needed to prepare a defense for the case. From there it depends on the case if it is for a DUI which is .08% or above. If is double of that .16% or above then it becomes a aggravated DUI. Both of these are serious charges.
Both can have jail time and many, many fines. If found guilty then it will probably have a period of probation that is enforced by the court.
If you decide to do this yourself then we hope the best for you. If you decide to hire a lawyer to represent you then we are the firm for you. We do not rest till we have the justice that is deserved for you in your case. We cannot tell you the outcome of your case but we will work on your case to give you the representation that you want.
Thank you for trusting in Fullerton
-We do not give out advice over the phone or until we are hired or we decided to represented you in your case.